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[trx_content][trx_block title=”Επιστημονικές Δημοσιεύσεις” subtitle=”ερευνα”][trx_accordion initial=”1″ left=”huge” right=”huge”][trx_accordion_item title=”2021″ id=”sc_accordion_item_1542810082758_7″]


[/trx_accordion_item][trx_accordion_item title=”2020″ id=”sc_accordion_item_1542810082758_7″]
  • Anastopoulos, I., Pashalidis, I., Orfanos, A.G., Manariotis, I.D., Tatarchuk, T., Sellaoui, L., Bonilla-Petriciolet, A., Mittal, A. and Núñez-Delgado, A. (2020). “Removal of caffeine, nicotine and amoxicillin from (waste)waters by various adsorbents. A review.” Journal of Environmental Management, 261, Article number 110236, 1-9.
  • Tsouloufa, A., Dailianis, S., Karapanagioti, H.K., Manariotis, I.D. (2020). “Physicochemical and Toxicological Assay of Leachate from Malt Spent Rootlets Biochar”. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 104, 634-641.
  • Paschalidou, P., Paschalidis, I., Manariotis, I.D., and Karapanagioti, H.K. (2020). “Hyper sorption capacity of raw and oxidized biochars from various feedstocks for U(VI).” Environmental Chemical Engineering Journal, 8(4), 1-6,
  • Grilla, E., Vakros, J. Konstantinou, I. Manariotis, I.D. and Mantzavinos, D. (2020). “Activation of Persulfate by Biochar from Malt Spent Rootlets for the Degradation of Trimethoprim in the Presence of Inorganic Ions.” Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 95, 2348-2358, DOI 10.1002/jctb.6513
  • Tsavatopoulou, V.D., Vakros, J., and Manariotis, I.D. (2020). “Lipid conversion of Scenedesmus rubescens biomass into biodiesel using biochar catalysts from malt spent rootlets”. Journal of the Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 95, 2421-2429,
  • Tourlouki, K., Tsavatopoulou, V., Alexandropoulos, D., Manariotis, I.D. and Mazzucato, S. (2020). “A Novel Microalgae Harvesting Method Using Laser Micromachined Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymers.” Photonics, 7(2), 42,
  • Lykoudi, A., Frontistis, Z., Vakros, J. Manariotis, I.D.and Mantzavinos, D. (2020). “Degradation of sulfamethoxazole with persulfate using spent coffee grounds biochar as activator.” Journal of Environmental Management, 271, 111022, 1-11. 
[/trx_accordion_item][trx_accordion_item title=”2019″ id=”sc_accordion_item_1542810082758_7″]
[/trx_accordion_item][trx_accordion_item title=”2018″ id=”sc_accordion_item_1542810082758_7″]
  • Kemmou, L., Frontistis, Z., Vakros, J., Manariotis, I.D. and Mantzavinos, D. (2018). “Degradation of Antibiotic Sulfamethoxazole by Biochar-Activated Persulfate: Factors Affecting the Activation and Degradation Processes.” Catalysis Today, 313, 128-133.
  • Orfanos, A.G., Manariotis, I.D. and Karapanagioti, H.K. (2018). “Removal of methylene blue from water by food industry by-products and biochars.” Desalination and Water Treatment 103, 113-121.  doi:10.5004/dwt.2018.21999
  • Bloutsos A.A. & Yannopoulos P.C. (2018). “Curvilinear Coordinate System for Mathematical Analysis of Inclined Buoyant Jets Using the Integral Method”. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Volume 2018, Article ID 3058425, 9 pages,
  • Yannopoulos P.C. & Demetracopoulos A.C. (2018). “A Novel Methodology for Multiple – Year Regulation of Reservoir Active Storage Capacity”. Water, 10(9), 1254; doi: 10.3390/w10091254.
[/trx_accordion_item][trx_accordion_item title=”2017″ id=”sc_accordion_item_1542810069563_0″]
  • Handakas, E., Manariotis, I.D., Yannopoulos, P., Zarkadas, I., and Sarigiannis, D. (2017). “Decision Support Tool for Urban Solid Waste Management.”Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 26(1), 405-412.
  • Boutsika, L.G., Karapanagioti, H.K., and Manariotis, I.D. (2017). “Effect of Chloride and Nitrate Salts Effect on Hg(II) Sorption by Raw and Pyrolyzed Malt Spent Rootlets.” Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 92(8), 1912-1918. DOI 10.1002/jctb.5215.
  • Manariotis, I.D., Karapanagioti, H.K., and Werner, D. (2017). “In Focus: Novel Sorbents for Environmental Remediation.” Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology 92(8), 1861. DOI 10.1002/jctb.5329.
  • Bloutsos, A.A., Manariotis, I.D. and Yannopoulos, P.C. (2017). “Levels of Metals Pb, Mn and Fe in the Period 2006-2007 in the Surface Water and Groundwater of Alfeios Catchment, Greece.” Environmental Processes 4 (Suppl 1):S23–S34 doi:10.1007/s40710-017-0233-z
  • Aravantinou, A.F., Barkonikou, E, and Manariotis, I.D. (2017). “Microalgae Biomass and Lipid Production Using Primary Treated Wastewater.” Desalination and Water Treatment 91, 228-234. doi: 10.5004/dwt.2017.21069
  • Aravantinou, A.F., Andreou, F, and Manariotis, I.D. (2017). “Long-Term Toxicity of ZnO Nanoparticles to Scenedesmus Rubescens Cultivated in Different Media.” Scientific Reports 7:13454, 1-11, DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-13517-7.
  • Yannopoulos P.C. (2017).Unique superposition solution of multiple plumes’ flow via mean kinetic energy fluxes”. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE 143(9): 06017015-1-7. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE) HY.1943-7900.0001361.
  • Bloutsos A.A., Manariotis I.D. & Yannopoulos P.C. (2017). “Levels οf Metals Pb, Mn, Fe During the Period 2006-2007 in Surface and Groundwater of Alfeios Catchment, Greece”. Environmental Processes (DOI: 10.1007/s40710-017-0233-z).
  • Podimata M.V. & Yannopoulos P.C. (2017). “A road map for resolving conflicts in dam’s administration: The case of Peiros – Parapeiros dam in Greece”. European Water 60: 415421, 2017.
  • Anagnostou, E., Gianni, A., Zacharias, I., Ecological modeling and eutrophication—A review, (2017) Natural Resource Modeling, 30 (3), art. no. e12130.
  • Mentzafou, A., Vamvakaki, C., Zacharias, I., Gianni, A., Dimitriou, E., Climate change impacts on a Mediterranean river and the associated interactions with the adjacent coastal area, (2017) Environmental Earth Sciences, 76 (6), art. no. 259.
  • Koutsodendris, A., Brauer, A., Reed, J.M., Plessen, B., Friedrich, O., Hennrich, B., Zacharias, I., Pross, J., Climate variability in SE Europe since 1450 AD based on a varved sediment record from Etoliko Lagoon (Western Greece), (2017) Quaternary Science Reviews, 159, pp. 63-76.
  • Vlastos, D., Dailianis, S., Kindou, A., Antonopoulou, M., Gianni, A., Zacharias, I., Assessing the environmental/human risk of potential genotoxicants in water samples from lacustrine ecosystems: The case of lakes in Western Greece, (2017) Science of the Total Environment, 574, pp. 246-252.
[/trx_accordion_item][trx_accordion_item title=”2016″ id=”sc_accordion_item_1542810057090_0″]
  • Sygouni, V., Manariotis, I.D., and Chrysikopoulos, C.V. (2016). “Experimental Investigation of the Effect of Carbon Dioxide on Pseudomonas putida Biofilms in a Two-Dimensional Glass Network Micromodel.” International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 46, 240-247.
  • Aravantinou, A.F., and Manariotis, I.D. (2016). “Effect of Operating Conditions on Chlorococcum sp. Growth and Lipid Production.” Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 4(1), 1217-1223.
  • Vergini, S., Aravantinou, A.F., and Manariotis, I.D. (2016) “Harvesting of Freshwater and Marine Microalgae by Common Coagulants and Magnetic Microparticles”. Journal of Applied Phycology, 28(2), 1041-1049. DOI: 10.1007/s10811-015-0662-x
  • Sfaelou, S., Papadimitriou, H., Manariotis I.D., Rouse, J., Vakros, J., and Karapanagioti, H.K. (2016).”Treatment of Low Strength Municipal Wastewater Containing Phenanthrene Using Activated Sludge and Biofilm Process”. Desalination and Water Treatment, 57(26), 12047-12057. DOI:10.1080/19443994.2015.1048735
  • Toufexi, E., Dailianis, S., Vlastos, D., and Manariotis, I.D. (2016). “Mediated Effect of Ultrasound Treated Diclofenac on Mussel Hemocytes: First evidence for the Involvement of Respiratory Burst Enzymes in the Induction of DCF-Mediated non Specific Mode of Action.” Aquatic Toxicology, 175, 144-153. DOI: 10.1016/j.aquatox.2016.03.017.
  • Aravantinou, A.F., Frementiti, A., and Manariotis, I.D. (2016). “Post Treatment of Primary and Secondary effluent by Chlorococcum sp.” Environmental Processes, 3 (Suppl 1), S35-S45. DOI 10.1007/s40710-016-0153-3
  • Podimata M. & Yannopoulos P.C. (2016). “A conceptual approach to model sand-gravel extraction from rivers based on a game theory perspective”. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 59:1, 120-141, DOI: 10.1080/09640568.2014.991381
  • Nerantzaki, S.D., Giannakis, G.V., Nikolaidis, N.P., Zacharias, I., Karatzas, G.P., Sibetheros, I.A., Assessing the Impact of Climate Change on Sediment Loads in a Large Mediterranean Watershed, (2016), Soil Science, 181 (7), pp. 306-314.
  • Moussoulis, E., Zacharias, I., Nikolaidis, N.P., Combined hydrological, rainfall–runoff, hydraulic and sediment transport modeling in Upper Acheloos River catchment, (2016), Desalination and Water Treatment, 57 (25), pp. 11540-11549.
[/trx_accordion_item][trx_accordion_item title=”2015″]
  • Aravantinou, A.F., Tsarpali, V., Dailianis, S., and Manariotis, I.D. (2015). “Effect of cultivation media on the toxicity of ZnO nanoparticles to freshwater and marine microalgae.” Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 114, 109-116.
  • Sfaelou, S., Vakros, J., Manariotis I.D., and Karapanagioti, H.K. (2015). “The Use of Potentiometric Mass Titration (PMT) Technique for Determining the Acid-base Behavior of Activated Sludge”. Global Nest, 17 (2), 397-405.
  • Manariotis, I.D., Fotopoulou, K.N. and Karapanagioti, H.K. (2015). “Preparation and Characterization of Biochar Sorbents Produced from Malt Spent Rootlets.” Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 54(39), 9577-9584.
  • Bekri E.S., Disse M. & Yannopoulos P.C. (2015). “Bewässerungsstrategien und optimierte Wasserallokation im Einzugsgebiet des Alfeios Flusses, Griechenland”, Forum für Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung Heft15.
  • Bekri E.S., Disse M. & Yannopoulos P.C. (2015). “Optimizing water allocation under uncertain system conditions in Alfeios river basin (Greece)-Part A: Two-stage stochastic programming model with deterministic-boundary intervals”. Water 7, 5305-5344; doi:10.3390/w7105305.
  • Bekri E.S., Disse M. & Yannopoulos P.C. (2015). “Optimizing water allocation under uncertain system conditions for water and agriculture future scenarios in Alfeios river basin (Greece)-Part B: Fuzzy-boundary intervals combined with multi-stage stochastic programming model”. Water 7, 6427-6466; doi:10.3390/w7116427.
  • Podimata M.V. & Yannopoulos P.C. (2015). “IRLA 2014: Evolution of game theory application in irrigation systems”. The Effects of Irrigation and Drainage on Rural and Urban Landscapes, Patras, Greece. Agriculture and Agricultural Science Procedia 4, pp. 271 – 281.
  • Podimata M.V. & Yannopoulos P.C. (2015). “Game theory application to reframe river myths”. International Journal of Global Environmental Issues 14, Nos.3/4, pp. 238-255.
  • Nerantzaki, S.D., Giannakis, G.V., Efstathiou, D., Nikolaidis, N.P., Sibetheros, I.A., Karatzas, G.P., Zacharias, I., Modeling suspended sediment transport and assessing the impacts of climate change in a karstic Mediterranean watershed, (2015). Science of the Total Environment, 538, pp. 288-297.
  • Zamparas, M., Drosos, M., Deligiannakis, Y., Zacharias, I., Eutrophication control using a novel bentonite humic-acid composite material Bephos™, (2015). Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 3 (4), pp. 3030-3036.
  • Moussoulis, E., Mallinis, G., Koutsias, N., Zacharias, I., Modelling surface runoff to evaluate the effects of wildfires in multiple semi-arid, shrubland-dominated catchments, (2015). Hydrological Processes, 29 (20), pp. 4427-4441.
  • Zamparas, M., Gavriil, G., Coutelieris, F.A., Zacharias, I., A theoretical and experimental study on the P-adsorption capacity of Phoslock™, (2015), Applied Surface Science, 335, pp. 147-152. (IF 3,150: & Ετεροαναφορές 0).
  • Koutsodendris, A., Brauer, A., Zacharias, I., Putyrskaya, V., Klemt, E., Sangiorgi, F., Pross, J., Ecosystem response to human- and climate-induced environmental stress on an anoxic coastal lagoon (Etoliko, Greece) since 1930 AD, (2015). Journal of Paleolimnology, 53 (3), pp. 255-270.
[/trx_accordion_item][trx_accordion_item title=”2014″]
  • Manariotis, I.D. and Yannopoulos, P.C. (2014). “Impact of Human Activities and Infrastructure Works on Hydro Morphological Characteristics of Alfeios River, Greece.” Global Nest, 16 (1), 136-145.
  • Boutsika, L.G., Karapanagioti, H.K., and Manariotis, I.D. (2014). “Aqueous Mercury Sorption by Biochar from Malt Spent Rootlets” Water, Air & Soil Pollution 225 (1), Article 1805. DOI 10.1007/s11270-013-1805-9.
  • Dailianis, S., Tsarpali, V., Melas, K., Karapanagioti, H.K., and Manariotis, I.D. (2014). “Aqueous Phenanthrene Toxicity after High-frequency Ultrasound Degradation.” Aquatic Toxicology, 147, 32-40.
  • Leftheriotis, G., Liveri, M., Galanopoulou, M., Manariotis, I.D., and Yianoulis, P. (2014). “A Simple Method for the Fabrication of WO3 Films with Electrochromic and Photo Catalytic Properties”. Thin Solid Films, 573, 6-13.
  • Yannopoulos P.C. (2014). “A cost-effective methodology for spatial concentration distributions of urban air pollutants”. Water Air Soil Pollut 225(7):1989, DOI 10.1007/s11270-014-1989-7, pp 1-25.
  • Zamparas, M., Zacharias, I., Restoration of eutrophic freshwater by managing internal nutrient loads. A review, (2014). Science of the Total Environment, 496, pp. 551-562.
  • Kountoura, K., Zacharias, I., Annual hypoxia dynamics in a semi-enclosed Mediterranean gulf, (2014). Journal of Marine Systems, 139, pp. 320-331. (IF 2,174 : & Ετεροαναφορές 0).
  • Chamalaki, A., Gianni, A., Kehayias, G., Zacharias, I., Tsiamis, G., Bourtzis, K., Bacterial diversity and hydrography of Etoliko, an anoxic semi-enclosed coastal basin in Western Greece, (2014). Annals of Microbiology, 64 (2), pp. 661-670.
[/trx_accordion_item][trx_accordion_item title=”2013″ id=”sc_accordion_item_1455014145897_2″]
  • Chrysikopoulos, C.V., Manariotis, I.D. and Syngouna, V. (2013). “Virus Inactivation by High Frequency Ultrasound in Combination with Visible Light.” Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 107(1). 174-179.
  • “Valili, S., Siavalas, G., Karapanagioti, H.K., Manariotis, I.D., and Christanis, Κ. (2013). “Phenanthrene Removal from Aqueous Solutions Using Well-Characterized, Raw, Chemically Treated, and Charred Malt Spent Rootlets.” Journal of Environmental Management, 128, 252-258.″
  • “Aravantinou, A.F., Theodorakopoulos, M.A., and Manariotis, I.D. (2013). “Selection of Microalgae for Wastewater Treatment and Potential Lipids Production.” Bioresource Technology, 147, 130-134.
  • Podimata M. & Yannopoulos P.C. (2013). “Evaluating challenges and priorities of a trans-regional river basin in Greece by using a hybrid SWOT scheme and a stakeholders’ competency overview”. J. River Basin Management 11(1), pp. 93–110.
  • Manariotis I.D. & Yannopoulos P.C. (2013). “Impact of human activities and infrastructure works on hydro morphological characteristics of Alfeios River, Greece”. Global NEST Journal 16(1), pp 136-145.
  • Thomatou A, Triantafyllidou M, Chalkia E, Kehayias G, Konstantinou I, Zacharias I, (2013). Land Use Changes Do Not Rapidly Change the Trophic State of a Deep Lake. Amvrakia Lake, Greece, Journal of Environmental Protection, 4, 426-434.
  • Gianni, A., Zamparas, M., Papadas, I.T., Kehayias, G., Deligiannakis, Y., Zacharias, I., (2013). Monitoring and Modeling of Metal Concentration Distributions in Anoxic Basins: Aitoliko Lagoon, Greece, Aquatic Geochemistry, 19 (1), pp. 77-95.
  • Zamparas, M., Deligiannakis, Y., Zacharias, I., (2013). Phosphate adsorption from natural waters and evaluation of sediment capping using modified clays, Desalination and Water Treatment, 51 (13-15), pp. 2895-2902.
  • Kountoura, K., Zacharias, I., (2013). Trophic state and oceanographic conditions of Amvrakikos Gulf: Evaluation and monitoring, Desalination and Water Treatment, 51 (13-15), pp. 2934-2944.
  • Kehayias, G., Ramfos, A., Ntzialas, P., Ioannou, S., Bisouki, P., Kyrtzoglou, E., Gianni, A., Zacharias, I., (2013). Zooplankton diversity and distribution in a deep and anoxic mediterranean coastal lake, Mediterranean Marine Science, 14 (1), pp. 179-192.
  • Thomatou, A.-A., Zacharias, I., Hela, D., Konstantinou, I., (2013). Determination and risk assessment of pesticide residues in lake Amvrakia (W. Greece) after agricultural land use changes in the lake’s drainage basin, International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, 93 (7), pp. 780-799.
  • Zamparas, M., Drosos, M., Georgiou, Y., Deligiannakis, Y., Zacharias, I., (2013). A novel bentonite-humic acid composite material Bephos™ for removal of phosphate and ammonium from eutrophic waters, Chemical Engineering Journal, 225, pp. 43-51.
[/trx_accordion_item][trx_accordion_item title=”2012″ id=”sc_accordion_item_1455014172433_10″]
  • Yiannopoulos, A.C., Manariotis, I.D. and Chrysikopoulos, CV. (2012). “Assessment of the Effectiveness of a Solar System Heating an Anaerobic Bioreactor.” Water Air and Soil Pollution, 223 (4), 1443-1454. doi 10.1007/s11270-011-0956-9.
  • Anagnostopoulos, V.A., Manariotis, I.D., Karapanagioti, H.K. and Chrysikopoulos, C.V. (2012). “Removal of Mercury from Aqueous Solutions by Malt Spent Rootlets.” Chemical Engineering Journal, 213, 135-141.
  • Yannopoulos P.C. & Bloutsos A.A. (2012). “Escaping Mass Approach for Inclined Plane and Round Buoyant Jets”. of Fluid Mech. 695, pp. 81-111.
  • Yannopoulos P.C. (2012). “Unique superposition solutions of multiple plane or round buoyant jets for tracer and buoyancy fluxes”. Journal of Environmental Engineering (ASCE) 138(9), pp. 985–989.
  • Bekri E.S. & Yannopoulos P.C. (2012). “The interplay between the Alfeios River basin components and the exerted environmental stresses: A critical review”. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 223(7), pp. 3783-3806.
  • Gianni, A., Kehayias, G., & Zacharias, I. (2012). Temporal and spatial distribution of physico-chemical parameters in an anoxic lagoon, aitoliko, greece. Journal of Environmental Biology, 33(1), 107-114.
  • Kehayias G, Gianni A, Doulka E & Zacharias I. (2012). Anoxia and its impacts on the vertical distribution of copepods in a deep Mediterranean coastal lake. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin.
  • Chalkia, E., Zacharias, I., Thomatou, A. & Kehayias, G. (2012). Zooplankton dynamics in a gypsum karst lake and interrelation with the abiotic environment. Biologia, 67(1), 151-163.
  • Gianni, A., & Zacharias, I. (2012). Modeling the hydrodynamic interactions of deep anoxic lagoons with their source basins. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science.
  • Zamparas, M., Gianni, A., Stathi, P., Deligiannakis, Y., & Zacharias, I. (2012). Removal of phosphate from natural waters using innovative modified bentonites. Applied Clay Science, 62-63, 101-106.
  • Kehayias, G., Gianni, A., Doulka, E., Zacharias, I., (2012). Anoxia and its impacts on the vertical distribution of copepods in a deep mediterranean coastal lake, Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 21 (10 A), pp. 2993-3002.
[/trx_accordion_item][trx_accordion_item title=”2011″ id=”sc_accordion_item_1455014192185_3″]
  • Manariotis, I.D., Karapanagioti, H.K., and Chrysikopoulos, C.V. (2011). “Degradation of PAHs by Ηigh Frequency Ultrasound.” Water Research, 45, 2587-2594, doi:10.1016/j.watres.2011.02.009, 2011.
  • Bloutsos A.A. & Yannopoulos P.C. (2011). “Concentrations of Selected Toxic Elements in Airborne Particulates of Patras, Greece”, Global NEST Journal 13(2), pp. 109-118.
  • Thomatou, A., Zacharias, I., Hela, D., & Konstantinou, I. (2011). Passive sampling of selected pesticides in aquatic environment using polar organic chemical integrative samplers. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 18(7), 1222-1233.
  • Kountoura, K., & Zacharias, I. (2011). Temporal and spatial distribution of hypoxic/seasonal anoxic zone in amvrakikos gulf, western greece. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 94(2), 123-128.
  • Gianni, A., Kehayias, G., & Zacharias, I. (2011). Geomorphology modification and its impact to anoxic lagoons. Ecological Engineering, 37(11), 1869-1877.
[/trx_accordion_item][trx_accordion_item title=”2010″ id=”sc_accordion_item_1455014216009_4″]
  • Chrysikopoulos, C.V., Masciopinto, C., La Mantia, R. and Manariotis, I.D. (2010). “Revoval of Biocolloids Suspended in Reclaimed Wastewater by Injection into a Fracturer Aquifer Model.” Environmental Science and Technology, 44(3), 971-977, 2010. doi: 10.1021/es902754n
  • Kordulis, C.H., Lycourghiotis A., Karapanagioti, H.K., Papaefthymiou H., Koutsoukos, P.G., Chrysikopoulos, C.V., K.V., Manariotis, I.D., Christanis, K. and Bouropoulos, N. (2010). University of Patras Intranetwork ARYs “Development and Evaluation of Sorbent Materials for Environmental Applications.” Global Nest Journal. 12 (3), 340-341
  • Yannopoulos P.C. (2010). “Advanced integral model for groups of interacting round turbulent buoyant jets”. Environ Fluid Mech, 10(4), pp. 415-450.
  • Σωτηρόπουλος Δ.Α., Δήμας Α.Α., Χορς Γ.Μ., Γιαννόπουλος Π.Χ., Φουρνιώτης Ν.Θ. και Δημητρακόπουλος Α.Κ. (2010). “Πειραματική Μελέτη Αποτελεσματικότητας Διατάξεων Καταστροφής Ενέργειας σε Ανοικτό Αγωγό Απότομης Κλίσης”. Υδροτεχνικά Ε.Υ.Ε., τομ. 19, σελ. 47-58.
  • Dimitriou, E., & Zacharias, I. (2010). Identifying microclimatic, hydrologic and land use impacts on a protected wetland area by using statistical models and GIS techniques. Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 51(3-4), 200-205.
  • Ghosn, D., Vogiatzakis, I. N., Kazakis, G., Dimitriou, E., Moussoulis, E., Maliaka, V., & Zacharias, I. (2010). Ecological changes in the highest temporary pond of western crete (Greece): Past, present and future. Hydrobiologia, 648(1), 3-18.
  • Koussis, A. D., Georgopoulou, E., Kotronarou, A., Mazi, K., Restrepo, P., 27. Destouni, G., Zacharias, I. (2010). Cost-efficient management of coastal aquifers via recharge with treated wastewater and desalination of brackish groundwater: Application to the akrotiri basin and aquifer, Cyprus. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 55(7), 1234-1245.
  • Zacharias, I., & Zamparas, M. (2010). Mediterranean temporary ponds. A disappearing ecosystem. Biodiversity and Conservation, 19(14), 3827-3834.
[/trx_accordion_item][trx_accordion_item title=”2009″ id=”sc_accordion_item_1470585413568_10″]

Bloutsos A.A. & Yannopoulos P.C. (2009). “Round Turbulent Buoyant Jets Discharged Vertically Upwards Forming a Regular Polygon”, J. of Hydr. Res. 47(2), pp. 263-274.

[/trx_accordion_item][trx_accordion_item title=”2008″ id=”sc_accordion_item_1470585515800_7″]

Manariotis, I.D. and Grigoropoulos, S.G. (2008). “Restart of Anaerobic Filters Treating Low-Strength Wastewater.”  Bioresource Technology, 99 (9), 3759-3589, doi: 1016/j.biortech.2007.07.048. IF: 4,917.

Yiannopoulos, A.C., Manariotis, I.D. and Chrysikopoulos, K.V. (2008). “Design and Analysis of a Solar Reactor for Anaerobic Wastewater Treatment.” Bioresource Technology, 99 (16), 7742-7749, doi:10.1016/j.biortech.2008.01.067. IF: 4,917.

Yannopoulos P.C. (2008). “Long-term Assessment of Airborne Particulate Concentrations in Patras, Greece”, Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, Vol. 17, No. 5, pp. 608- 616.

Yannopoulos P.C., Demetracopoulos A.C. & Hadjitheodorou Ch. (2008). “Quick Method for Open Channel Discharge Measurements Using Air Bubbles”, Journal of Hydr. Engineering (ASCE), Vol. 134, No. 6, pp. 843-846.

Yannopoulos, P.C. & Noutsopoulos G.C. (2008). Closure to the Discussion by B.S. Pani on “Interaction of Vertical Round Turbulent Buoyant Jets. Part II: Superposition Method. J. of Hydr. Res., 44(2), pp. 233-248”, J. of Hydr. Res. 46(4), pp. 563-567.

[/trx_accordion_item][trx_accordion_item title=”2007″ id=”sc_accordion_item_1470585575031_1″]

Yannopoulos P.C. (2007). “Sulfur Dioxide Dispersion and Sources Contribution to Receptors of Downtown Patras, Greece”, Environ Sci Pollut Res, Vol. 14, No. 3, pp. 172-175.

Yannopoulos P.C. (2007). “Spatial Concentration Distributions of Sulfur Dioxide and Nitrogen Oxides in Patras, Greece, in a Winter Period”, Environ Monit Assess, Vol. 135, pp. 163-180.

[/trx_accordion_item][trx_accordion_item title=”2006″ id=”sc_accordion_item_1470585613799_0″]

Manariotis, I.D. and Grigoropoulos, S.G. (2006). “Anaerobic Filter Treatment of Municipal Wastewater: Biosolids Behavior.” Journal of Environmental Engineering, ASCE, 132 (1), 23-31, doi 10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9372(2006)132:1(23). IF: 1,125.

Manariotis, I.D. and Grigoropoulos, S.G. (2006). “Municipal Wastewater Treatment Using Upflow Anaerobic Filters.” Water Environment Research, 78 (3), 233-242, doi: 10.2175/106143005X90029. IF: 0,659.

Yannopoulos P.C. (2006). “An improved integral model for plane and round turbulent buoyant jets”, J. of Fluid Mech., 547, 267-296.

Yannopoulos P.C. (2006). “Attachment of Two or Three Interacting Round Buoyant Jets Discharged Vertically Upwards into a Quiescent Environment”, WSEAS Transactions on Fluid Mechanics, Issue 3, Vol. 1, pp. 215-220.

Yannopoulos P.C. & Noutsopoulos G.C. (2006a). “Interaction of Vertical Round Turbulent Buoyant Jets. Part I: Entrainment Restriction Approach”, J. of Hydr. Res., 44(2), pp. 218-232.

Yannopoulos P.C. & Noutsopoulos G.C. (2006b). “Interaction of Vertical Round Turbulent Buoyant Jets. Part II: Superposition Method” J. of Hydr. Res., 44(2), pp. 233-248.

Skokaki G.N. and Yannopoulos P.C. (2006). “Lead Levels in Airborne Particulates of Patras, Greece, and Trend Prediction”, Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, Vol. 15, No. 7a, pp. 588-595.

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Bloutsos A.A. and Yannopoulos P.C. (2005). “Three Round Turbulent Buoyant Jets Discharged Vertically from a Rosette”, IASME Transactions, Issue 3, Vol. 2, pp. 413-421.

Μαναριώτης Ι.Δ. και Γιαννόπουλος Π.Χρ. (2005). “Περιβαλλοντικές Επιπτώσεις Τεχνολογιών Διαχείρισης Στερεών Αποβλήτων – Προοπτικές”. Τεχν. Χρον. Επιστ. ‘Εκδ.  ΤΕΕ, Ι, τεύχ.2-3, Tech. Chron. Sci. J. TCG, I, No 2-3, pp. 21-34.

Γιαννόπουλος Π.Χρ. (2005). “Μεθοδολογία Παρακολούθησης και Ταχείας Πρόβλεψης της Ρύπανσης Ποταμού σε Σχέση με την Οδηγία 2000/60/ΕΚ”. Υδροτεχνικά  Ε.Υ.Ε., Τόμος 15, σελ. 103-112.

[/trx_accordion_item][trx_accordion_item title=”2004″ id=”sc_accordion_item_1470585766148_9″]

Hiras, D.N., Manariotis, I.D. and Grigoropoulos, S.G. (2004). “Organic and Nitrogen Removal in a Two-Stage Rotating Biological Contactor Treating Municipal Wastewater.” Bioresource Technology, 93 (1), 91-98, doi:10.1016/j.biortech.2003.06.005. IF: 4,917.

Manariotis, I.D. and Yannopoulos, P.C. (2004). “Adverse Effects on Alfeios River Basin and an Integrated Management Framework Based on Sustainability.” Environmental Management, 34 (2), 261-269, doi: 10.1007/s00267-004-0069-y. IF: 1,857.

[/trx_accordion_item][trx_accordion_item title=”2003″ id=”sc_accordion_item_1470585838769_10″]

Manariotis, I.D. and Grigoropoulos, S.G. (2003). “Anaerobic Treatment of Low-Strength Wastewater in a Biofilm Reactor.” Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A-Toxic/Hazardous Substances & Environmental Engineering, Α38 (10), 2057-2068, doi: 10.1081/ESE-120023332.

Yannopoulos, P.C., Skokaki, G.N. (2003). “Particulate and Sulfur Dioxide Concentration Measurements in Patras, Greece”, J. of Air & Waste Manage. Assoc., Vol. 53, pp. 957-970.

[/trx_accordion_item][trx_accordion_item title=”2002″ id=”sc_accordion_item_1470585907071_2″]

Manariotis, I.D. and Grigoropoulos, S.G. (2002). “Low-Strength Wastewater Treatment Using an Anaerobic Baffled Reactor.” Water Environment Research, 74(2), 170-176, doi: d10.2175/106143002X139884.

Μαναριώτης, Ι.Δ. και Γρηγορόπουλος, Σ.Γ. (2002). “Επεξεργασία Αστικών Λυμάτων με Σύστημα Αναερόβιου Φίλτρου-Λίμνης Σταθεροποίησης”. Τεχνικά Χρονικά Επιστημονική Έκδοση του ΤΕΕ I, τεύχος 1-2, 49-60.

[/trx_accordion_item][trx_accordion_item title=”>2000″ id=”sc_accordion_item_1542809141375_3″]

Yannopoulos P.C. (1996). “Superposition Model for Multiple Plumes and Jets Predicting End Effects”, Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 101, No. D10, pp. 15153-15167.

Yannopoulos P.C. & Noutsopoulos G.C. (1990). “The Plane Vertical Turbulent Buoyant Jet”, J. of Hydr. Res., Vol. 28, No. 5, pp. 1-16.

Noutsopoulos G. & Yannopoulos P. (1989).­­ “Axial Dilution in an Obstructed Round Vertical Turbulent Buoyant Jet”, Journal of Hydr. Engineering (ASCE), Vol. 115, No. 1, pp. 71-81.

Noutsopoulos G.C. & Yannopoulos P.C. (1987). “The Round Vertical Turbulent Buoyant Jet”, J. of Hydr. Res., Vol. 25, No. 4, pp. 481-502.

Discussion by Noutsopoulos G., Hatzicomninou S. & Yannopoulos P. (1979). “Dilution in a Vertical Round Buoyant Jet, by N.E. Kotsovinos”, Journal of the Hydr. Div. (ASCE), HY5, May, pp. 629-631.

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